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*DESCRIPTIONS. See PROMOS/Credits, Facts of game board timeline, 12d border cards, each with 6 Q and A (Q&A), designed by Jacklyn (EL) Shaw, including replicas, research picture collections. That includes Afghan Tour Organization, 1976 (almost 50 years ago), under King Zahir Shah, "Baba", Father of Nation, 2007. Swiss Publisher, UN, N. Dupree & Afghan photographers, 1976 (Afghan peak in peace; Olomism pdf service, 2004.)

* PRAYERS to All Afghans and Afghans in the diaspora, since 1979. Afghan Freedom Fighters won vs Soviet invasion, with Pres. Reagan, USA, 1989.

* Note PROMOS/Your Ads/Credits:  Afghan Tour Organization, 1977; with Swiss publisher, UN, Nancy Dupree, and Afghan photographers, selective images, with gifts of quality pdf set c/o H. Olomi, USA Afghan artist (2004); as well as Classic 50 Year Afghan map, 28-34 provinces, 2004-2021, gift via M. Niaz, Poet Journalist and others.

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